Motion Design System
The DOPA (The Department Of Pro-Activeness), is a podcast by Alex Normanton.
The DOPA was set-up to fuel conversations around creative wellness, and put positivity back into the ears, hearts and minds of people working within the creative industry. A brand created to enable candid conversations around specific topics like fear, self-doubt, failure, mistakes (to name a few), and ultimately to facilitate change.
Calango was approached to translate the existing brand look and feel into a unique motion design language. The goal of the project was to deliver a flexible system that went beyond a simple animated logo. A multi-faceted motion language was developed to adapt across various brand touch-points, especially in the digital realm.
As humans, we are in a state of flux; constantly evolving, changing, developing and growing alongside the ideas we create. The solution allowed the geometric letterforms to morph, flex and shape-shift with versatility and ease.
The DOPA motion design system is minimal and captivating in single colour whilst vibrant and playful in full colour. Geometric shapes can either work as a standalone device, adapt to different formats or become a huge living background when cropped. And when used as a mask, it reveals different parts of an image in a seductive way. 
It can animate in and out, be contained in an infinite loop and even morph back into the DOPA monogram.
​​​​​​Find all the DOPA episodes on Spotify →
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The work that Calango has carried out for the DOPA brand has exceeded all expectations. Jeroen's ideas, attention to detail, commitment and craft has been exceptional. I am incredibly grateful for his investment of time, skill, passion, patience and creativity for this project.” – Alex Normanton: Founder, Creator & Host of DOPA​​​​​​​
Alex Normanton Creative direction, copy and graphic design
Jeroen Krielaars Motion design system
Petra Eriksson Illustration
Keelan Doyle Music & sound design
Gradient Type Typeface design

Unused Explorations

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