Buddy Motion Language
Buddy is a platform to digitally record and share diving adventures, promoting ocean exploration and conservation. Born from a shared passion of a group of diving enthusiasts, Buddy aims to share the love of the ocean and get more people diving. Opening up this underwater world to everyone, making it accessible, exciting, and safe.
Collaborating closely with Buddy's head of brand, we developed motion principles that are informed by (under)water movement. The ocean itself provided plenty of inspiration in the form of gently swaying kelp, upwards floating bubbles and soothing waves. We've translated this natural motion into a system of logo animations, animated typography, illustrations and transitions that can be combined to create an infinite stream of applications for the brand.
Discover Buddy → divewithbuddy.com
Roy van Dijk (Buddy) • Head of Brand, Graphic Design
Jeroen Krielaars (Calango) • Motion Design
Jeroen Krielaars (Calango) • Motion Design